Cross Country Cruisers, Inc. PO Box 733, Woodruff, WI, 54568
We, along with other Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, provide approximately 25,000 miles of some of the best trails in the United States for you, the snowmobiler.
In Wisconsin, each county has a county level association or alliance which is made up of almost all of the local clubs. The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) is the state level organization with directors from each county level organization. Snowmobiler rights and regulations protecting these rights are addressed at the AWSC level from local club feedback.
Every mile of trail in the State of Wisconsin is made possible – not at the State or County level – but at the local Club level. The Cross Country Cruisers Club is responsible for 90 plus miles of these trails here in Vilas and Oneida Counties. Some of these trails run over State land, but a good portion run over private land.
How do we get theses trails and where does the time and money come from to make this all possible? To start with, every hour that is worked by a club member is time that is donated. Our season starts each year in September when the volunteers are out brushing and clearing the trails. Many hours are spent negotiating with landowners for the use of their land for the trails. Once We get enough snow to open the trails, and until the trails are closed at the end of the season, We must groom these 90 miles of trails – usually each day. We also mark all of the trails so that Snowmobilers will follow the trail. For each mile of trail, it takes 18 blazer signs, 4 stop ahead signs, 4 stop signs, and 8 information signs. All at a cost of $218 per mile of trail.
What about the cost of the Groomers and fuel to run the Groomers? Our Club owns Four (4) groomers and Four (4) drags. The cost of each groomer is $230,000 and each drag is $25,000. And, of course, don’t forget the diesel fuel to operate each groomer. Our 100% Volunteers do all of the grooming of the trails as well as the maintenance on the grooming equipment. The initial purchase and maintenance costs of the equipment is funded through membership dues, fundraisers and some monies by the State for grooming the trails that are State owned.
We need your help and sponsorship. Membership in our Club provides You with a monthly newsletter plus membership in the AWSC with it’s 9 monthly Snowmobile Wisconsin magazines.
A membership application can be found by clicking ”JOIN OUR CLUB” at the top of our home page. This will allow you to join using a credit card, or print out the paper application and mail in a check!
Cross Country Cruisers 2022-2023
- Cross Country Cruisers Executive Officers -
Jon Cooksey
2023-26 (2nd)
C: 715-614-9003
E: moc.liamgnull@pvresiurc
Jerry Wesner
2024-27 (1st)
T: 608-698-3054
E: moc.liamgnull@rensewyrrej
Deb Meyer
Term 2023-25 (1st)
C: 715-614-8140
E-: ten.htronwennull@reyemdc
Debbie Kowenstrot
C: 920-671-9181
E: moc.oohaynull@tortsnewokd
- Cross Country Cruisers Directors -
Dick Mickle
2023-26 (4th)
C: 715-410-8217
E: ten.retrahcnull@653pils
Jeanne Parrish
2022-25 (1st)
C: 608-723-9112
E: moc.liamgnull@95reddelsj
Doug Wendlandt
2023-26 (2nd)
C: 715-897-4467
E: moc.kooltuonull@97iw5wk
Greg Pauli
2024-27 (2nd)
T: 715-356-7771
C: 608-516-6995
E: moc.liamgnull@iluapjgerg
Glenn Speich
2024-27 (2nd)
E: moc.liamgnull@hciepsnnelg
Denise Bobert
2023-26 (1st)
C: 715-525-2073
E: moc.liamgnull@621yteewtbd
Keith Wichman
2024-27 (1st)
C: 414-331-0374
E: moc.liamgnull@6594namhciwhtiek
Trail Manager
Jerry Wesner
c: 608-698-3054
e: moc.liamgnull@rensewyrrej
Deb Meyer
C: 715-614-8140
E: ten.htronwennull@reyemdc
Pam Sobieski
C: 708-308-3039
E: moc.liamgnull@2retsambewresiurc
Equipment Manager
Greg Dupuis
David Assmann
- Cross Country Cruisers Committees -
- Adopt A Highway – Greg Pauli
- PR & Advertising – Jon Cooksey
- By-Laws Committee – Dick Mickle, Jon Cooksey, Doug Wendlandt
- Safety – (Vacant)
- Christmas Party – Denise Bobert
- Snowmobile Safety Class – Jon Cooksey
- Club Rides – Doug Wendlandt and Communication Committee
- Club Photographer –
- Club Historian –
- Trail Signs – Craig Pacyna
- Commercial Membership – Lauren Frank, Craig Paycne
- Volunteer Appr. Party – Jon Cooksey
- County Alliance Meetings – President & Rep.
- Events and Fundraisers – Jon Cooksey, Deb Meyer, Craig Pacyna and Communication Committee
- Facebook – Jerry Wesner, Deb Meyer and Danielle Neureuther
- Food Drive – (vacant)
- Funding (Towns & Chamber) – Pres. & V. Pres.
- Fund Raisers – Board of Directors
- Insurance – Dick Mickle
- Landowner Appreciation Cert. – Denise Bobert
- Map Box Distribution – Keith and Chris Wichman
- Meetings_ Dinners & Locations – Denise Bobert
- Membership Director – Greg Pauli
- Miss Snow Flake – (vacant)
- Newsletter – TBD
- Nominations –Debbie Kowenstrot