Cruiser News

Board Meetings

All Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, September through April.

General Membership Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month, September through April.  Social hour 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:00 pm, meeting to follow.

RSVPs are required for General Meetings.  Payment is due upon arrival by cash or check. Cancellations not made 48 hours prior, and No-Shows are required to pay for their dinner.

General Membership meetings are held at various club sponsors throughout the season

Volunteers Needed for Northwoods Harley-Davidson MDA Fall Ride!!!

NORTHWOODS HARLEY-DAVIDSON MDA FALL RIDE – September 18th and 19th, 2020 per notification from Bill Lemke, “We received a call from the Northwoods Harley-Davidson dealership in Arbor Vitae asking if we would serve beer and soda the weekend of Sept 19th,2020. Actual work dates would be Friday Sept 18th, 2020 and Saturday Sept 19th, 2020. Our set up would be on a very small scale – maybe 2 bar sections, a rolling cooler or 2, and maybe a tent. Primarily selling 3 kinds of beer, soda, and possibly some chips or ?? Times would be from 9:00 to 5:00 both days plus a little clean up and tear down. We would need 4 or 5 people each day.” Bill reiterated that this was their second request for assistance as we had initially turned down our participation in the event due to lack of commitment from club members. Harley has been good to us over the years and could really use our help on this one. With the cancellation of all other fund raising events this summer, this could be our only chance to bolster the Club operating funds as we enter a new season. Please consider volunteering some time for this event. Please notify Bill Lemke at 715-432-0998 or moc.reitnorfnull@ekmelb or Jon Cooksey 715-614-9003 or moc.liamgnull@pvresiurc as soon as possible so that they can compile a schedule and finalize arrangements. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!

If you have not been able to be active in past years, please consider it this year. We could use your help and would love to see new faces.

Good-Bye Big Blue

Big Blue was sold to a commercial company in Alaska. This company is near Bethal, Alaska which is about 400 miles west of Anchorage. This company provides alternate energy sources to small Eskimo villages that are totally dependent on diesel fuel & generators. They are putting up 100 kw wind generators on 150’ towers. That’s half the capacity and size we have in Wisconsin. The Soucy track system will allow them to walk on the tundra when not completely frozen extending their construction season. The following pictures are big blue being loaded yesterday for shipment to Alaska, Trucked to Seattle ($5500), then by barge to Bethel ($12k-15k)! All freight paid by the purchasing company. Pictures will show the cab glass wrapped for protection during shipping. Replacement glass extremely difficult to come by in Alaska.
A Big Thank You to Bill Farmer & Bob Brown for coordinating all of this!

Groomer Operators Needed for the Upcoming Season!

Hi Everybody ! Bill Lemke here on the heals of Don Schneider and Bill Farmer trying to keep you all updated on what is going on in our GREAT Club ! As you have probably heard, Don and I split the Trail Boss job – Don is Trail Manager for pre-snow brushing and signage, and I am Trail Manager for those activities once the snow flies, mainly grooming and the paperwork that follows. Because Don is pre-snow, his needs are more immediate than mine, as you see in his post. At this point, I am in the process of gathering names of those who want to be involved, so if you have an interest, please let me know. I am starting to work on the schedule for after the snow flies. Bill Farmer and crew want our equipment in top notch shape, and Don and I want the trails ready and inspected prior to the first snow fall. We’re in need of your help to regain our reputation of “the best trails in the Northwoods “!! You can contact me directly T: 715-358-6005 or C: 715-432-0998.
Thank you,
Bill Lemke,
Trails Manager

Volunteers Needed for Fall Brushing and Signing of Trails

Hey guys and gals! Trails manager, Don Schneider, looking for volunteers to help with the fall brushing and signing of our trails. Work days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting September 1st. Meeting at the Cruisers clubhouse at 8:30 A.M. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun! Feel free to call Don at 262-930-6914 for more information or you can text me as well. We are looking forward to making our trails the best in Wisconsin.
Thank you,
Don Schneider
Trail Manager

Volunteers Needed

Groomer maintenance day this year, will be on Thursdays  8:30 AM-1PM.  Due to Covid 19 we will not be serving lunch as previously published.
Please contact Bill Farmer, Equipment Mgr @ 847-922-0001  to get on our E mail list.
No experience necessary. We will teach you the basics & it will be good camaraderie & story swapping as well.  Come play w/ our newest Groomer tractor, to be delivered approx Dec. 1st.
Bill Farmer
Equipment Mgr

2021 Calendar Raffle Tickets

2021 Calendar Raffle Tickets are now available. Because of so many fund raising events cancelled this year due to Covid-19, our ticket sales are even more important for raising money. Let’s make this a great fund raiser again this year. Please contact Bill Lemke for tickets.