Nominations are Open, Secretary & 2 Directors Positions
Posted on: January 26, 2025
Cross Country Cruisers.Nominations
are now open for the 3 available positions
All positions are for a 3 year term.
2 – Board of Director
All nominations must be received before the February 11 Board meeting.
After the Board meeting the list of candidates and a brief bio will be presented at the February 18th, Membership Meeting at Fibber’s and via email and club website to all members.
Any member of the club may nominate themselves or any other member of the club by
contacting Debbie Kowenstrot, Treasurer at moc.oohaynull@tortsnewokd or 920-671-9181
call or text. Debbie will contact the nominees for all information needed.
Candidates must be a club member for at least one snowmobile season.
In person voting will take place at the March 18th annual meeting.
Per the club operations rules, a voting member must be active
and be in good standing as of December 31,2024.
Only in person voting is allowed per Wisconsin statutes.
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie.