Trail Report 02/15/2021
Posted on: February 15, 2021
All Cruisers trails still remain in good to excellent condition. Because of the very cold temperatures our trails remained quite flat and have held up very well, even with the heavy traffic during Slo’s Pub Radar this past weekend.
We do want to shout out a thank you to all that braved the cold this weekend and came out to support the Cross Country Cruisers at Slo’s Pub Radar Run Event.
Last night our temperatures were dangerously cold (Below 30 Degrees). For the safety of our groomer operators and equipment, we made the decision not to send out our groomers last evening 2/14/2021. We will resume grooming operations tonight!
Temperatures will rise into the teens and 20’s this week which will make for very enjoyable riding. Weather should be great for the Lakeland Powersports Open House on February 20th. So we hope you get a chance to enjoy riding the trails to the event and help support our club.
Don’t Forget: Ride Right, Ride Safe!
Enjoy the Trails!
Trail Managers,
Don Schneider and Bill Lemke